Mesozoic To Paleozoic 

     Also known as the age of reptiles the Mesozoic includes the Cretaceous, Jurassic, and Triassic time eras!
     The Paleozoic saw the appearance of the first terrestrial vertebrae's (roughly 400 million years ago!). Vertebrae have spines, whilst invertebrate have no spine (worms).
     This online collections includes fossils from the Cretaceous to the Cambrian (66-550 million years ago!). This section is all animals! If you have further questions please contact us!

Dinosaur Egg Shell

  • Found In china
  • 66 million years old.
  • It came from a therapod, most likely a raptor.
  • Most Dinosaurs laid eggs!

Raptor Tooth

  • 95 million years old.
  • Found in Morocco.
  • Raptors shed(ed) more than 10,000 teeth in their life time.

Spinosaurus Tooth

  • 112-97 million years old.
  • Found in Morocco
  • The Spinosaurus is one of the largest therapods of all time!

Loose Triceratops Bones

  • Found In North Dakota
  • The Triceratops was one of few herbivores to kill T-Rex's. They killed in self defense.

Triceratops Bone Marrow

  • Found in North Dakota.
  • Bone Marrow is where blood is produced, and Bone Marrow transplants can be made from a healthy person to one with immune system issues to help them produce white blood cells!

Jurassic Period Dinosaur Bone

  • Found in the Morrison Formation, Wyoming.

Mosasaurus Teeth

  • The Mosasaurus was the apex predator of the Cretaceous  sea's.
  • They are not considered dinosaurs, but rather aquatic reptiles.

Enchodus Vertabrae 

  • 75-66 million years old
  • This fossil was found in Texas.
  • This extinct fish was 68 inches in length.

Enchodus Teeth

  • 67-66 million years old
  • Found in the New Jersey
  • The tooth on the left is a Fang, the fossil on the right is a lower palatine jaw fragment with the tooth in it.

Crustacean Claw

  • 67-66 million years old
  • Found in New Jersey 
  • Believed to be from a Crab or Ghost Shrimp.
  • Crustaceans are invertebrate's!

Fossil Shark Teeth

  • (Top left) Megalodom tooth. Found in South Carolina. Notice the feeding damage! The name Megalodon means big tooth!
  • (Top Right) Great White Shark Tooth. This is an extinct ancestor of the modern great white shark.
  • (Bottom Left) Otodus tooth. The name Otodus means ear shaped tooth!
  • (Bottom Right) Crow Shark Tooth. Found in New Jersey. They ate fish and turtles (among other sea creatures).

Plesiosaur Tooth

  • 199-173 million years old.
  • The Plesiosaur ate fish, ammonites, and other smaller Plesiosaurs! (They did not have a powerful bite.)

Unidentified Cretaceous Bone 

  • Found in New Jersey 
  • 66-67 Million 
  • The four main way fossils form are petrification ( when the bone,or wood, slowly turns into rock after being buried), compression (once buried extreme pressure causes an imprint to be left), molds and casts (when something like a shell dissolves leaving a mold for sediment to cast into, or just leaving a mold for us to find!), and preserved remains (think mummys!)(1)