We are living in the Cenozoic, but it started 66 million years ago with the fall of the dinosaurs! In the Cenozoic we saw the rise of mammals, primates, and eventually humans. It the includes the Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holocene (now!).
Rabbit Jaw With Teeth

- 34-23 million years old (the Oligocene)
- Found in Nebraska
- A Paleolagus Haydeni Rabbit ( technically an extinct species of lagomorph, a relative of modern rabbits and hares!)(2)
Fossil Fish

- 53.5-48.5 Million Years Old
- Found in the Green River Formation
- This fish is a Knightia eocaena, which is an ancestor of every Herring on earth.
Oreodont Jaw With Teeth

- 40-5 million years old.
- The Oreodont is an extinct artiodacty, and is one of the most common fossils in the badlands. They were hoofed grazers, and are related to modern day bison and big horn sheep!(3)
Ice Age Anceint Bison Tooth

- Ancient Bison were up to 7.5 feet tall! (That is 22.5 hands!)
Ice Age Horse Teeth

- Found In Florida
- 55 million years ago, the first members of the horse family, the dog-sized Hyracotherium,were scampering through the forests that covered North America.(4)
Cenozoic Ray Plate

- Found in North Carolina
- A Ray "tooth".
- Rays have been since dinosaurs roamed the earth!